Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away!

This is the entrance to the ranch, see how high the mud is.
This is the front area taken from ranch hands porch. The big puddle is the parking.

Well it is a couple of days before Christmas and in California it feels like God is flooding the earth again. It seems like it has been raining forever and my patience is being tried again and again. Last night we found out that we have a leak in the roof, of course it was dark, pouring and windy so there wasn't much we could do about it. We probably won't be able to get to it until Christmas Eve. The heater also decided it wasn't going to light and it is about 58 to 61 degrees in the house depending on which room you are in. I'm getting ready to do some baking just to warm up the house and the girls are curled up on the couch watching Goonies. What is funny is that I normally like this weather but it seems really inconvenient this time with all of the driving I have had to do in it, the heater and the leak in the roof I just can't wait to see the sun again, dry out and clean up. I am posting some pictures of Hidden River Ranch taken today. This is the ranch I ride at all the time and where my cousin's horses are boarded at. Of course my cousin is stuck in her house because the road is closed due to flooding and neither one of us can get into the ranch (see picture) but the ranch hand there assures us her horses are OK. These pictures were taken from his front porch and the front of the ranch, I can't wait to see what the back looks like since it backs and crosses the Mojave River which is flooded at this time. Looks like it will be a lot of work. We are hoping to be able to get in there Friday by foot, I don't think we will make Christmas Eve service this year. Well I think we get a break tomorrow & Friday I pray that we do because there is more rain in the weekend forecast. :) Tootles & Merry Christmas!

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