Monday, March 29, 2010

Out of the Stone Age

Well I am finally back, I had to take a few weeks off to get moved and then we had problems with the phones lines but I am back from the stone age yippie! We are mostly loving the new house but have had some issues that have made this a difficult move. Most of the issues have been with the plumbing, for the 1st week we had our keys we only had half of it working and hot water only in the bathrooms. We also didn't have any heat for the first week and although we have heat now we have a lot of breaks in the ducting so it isn't running as efficiently as it should. The guy is outside preparing an estimate right now for $2100.00 yikes. Pretty sure we can do that ourselves to. Todd says living here is like being on vacation and I agree but more like one of those vacations where you work like at a dude ranch or something. I haven't seen any cute guys bringing me fancy drinks and nobody has stepped up to give us a massage although I could sure use one. Anyways I am cutting this one short just wanted to let y'all know we were still here.

1 comment:

Chris Copeland said...

Moving sucks, huh? Joi and I have moved seven times in the last ten years. Four of those times in the last two years. It's not fun and I'm so tired of doing it. The good news is that its your home. Whatever money you put into it will add to its overall value, which only means good things for you. I feel for you, though.