Friday, September 12, 2008

Beyond My Comprehension

I just read an article on MS NBC regarding an "honor killing" that happened approximately six weeks ago in rural Pakistan. I really thought I was going to throw up after reading this, not because of the graphic detail but because after reading it I was stunned. Usually I am pretty numb to the goings on of the world, I read the news, watch the news etc. with a cool detachment, every atrocity seems to blur together BUT sometimes they don't. This article did everything, gave me the chills, made me cry, made me sick, everything.

How can a father do that to his own daughter? Does he grieve afterwords? Does he miss them? How? Maybe I can't see it because I was blessed by many great men in my life, my father, step father, grandfathers, husband and many wonderful male friends are how I have based my beliefs. I know people can be ugly, I have seen my fair share of yucky people in my life BUT this takes the cake.

They call it "tradition", they call it "honor", I don't think so. I think its sick and I've seen honor before this isn't it.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ahhhhhh! Gotta Vent Read at Your Own Risk

So I was honest, the unemployment form said "did you start any school or training?". I checked yes, don't ever do that with out consulting a professional. The EDD in their infinite wisdom have not sent me my check and called me for a phone interview so they can determine if my going to school will affect my ability to to look for and obtain employment. I spoke with the lady she was very nice BUT she asked a bunch of questions ranging from when I go to school, how many classes I was taking, how much money I have spent, am I looking for work, how can I work and go to school at the same time and then "the big one" would you drop your classes if you were offered full time employment. Patiently I explained that it is an online course, I don't have set time to finish as long as I finish this semester in a year, I do it on my own time which is the whole reason I am doing this course instead of going to Mt. Sac, blah, blah, blah..... "OK Miss Fisher we will let you know in 7-10 business days if you are still eligible for employment benefits". I am not very happy.
I want a job. I want a full time job with benefits. I want to work, I look for work, I would accept work if offered and dang it I have worked since I was 16. Shouldn't I get a little respect here? Shouldn't I get the benefit of the doubt and they talk to me before they stop my check? By the time they make their decision I will not have received a check for a month. Now, I am thankful for the little bit of money I get from unemployment but it is nothing compared to what I was getting when I was employed. Of course I want to work I can't live off of unemployment forever, we are barely making it right now.
I am so frustrated. I have sent my resume out all over the place, most people don't even send anything back. Its posted on Monster, Cal Jobs, Hot Jobs, Indeed and Career Builder plus I am now the member of all of these employment sites and more. I call people in the phone book and try to use my connections for anything. NOTHING. So I am going to school and also applying for entry level jobs in that field, hoping. The only thing I have got is the offer of a part time, temporary job that I can't start until January and will last until March.
Being unemployed stinks, I miss the purpose of waking up in the morning and the fulfilment of getting a check for a job well done. I am a hard worker and although I have enjoyed staying with the kids this summer I am jealous because they started school and now have a purpose to their day.
OK, I guess I am done. My apologies to anyone who reads this but you gotta vent somewhere and its better than on Todd or the girls. You don't have to read it ( a little late now I guess if you read this part you must of read the whole thing). I hope everything is well with everyone, love you all.