Thursday morning we woke up to a pleasant surprise about 2 inches of snow. WOW! It is the end of April and we got snow. I woke the girls up at 6:00 am with a whisper of "look out the window" and they were dressed, brushed and fed by 6:30 and out the door. They were so excited to go play in the snow I couldn't really deny them the opportunity. Cheyanne and Heather played outside until 7:30 then went to school where believe it or not the kids are not allowed to play on the play ground when there is snow :(. The rest of the day was just windy and cold but not cold enough to keep the snow it had all melted away by 10:30 and sounded like a rain storm streaming off of the roof. It left quite the muddy mess. Today is was sunny and 70 I haven't even put a jacket on.
On other things the house is coming along nicely and I am sure it will look beautiful when it is done. We are almost done with the flooring and I am half way done with the painting. Last weekend I somehow turned 37 but I am not sure how it happened though. We didn't do too much celebrating because we were working on the house but Todd did take me out to dinner to King's Fish House in Rancho and I had the always yummy Parmesan crusted sand dabs and some shrimp cocktail. Tomorrow we are going to the Lemon Festival to hang out for awhile and hopefully see some friends then it will be back to working on the house for me again and back to work for Todd.