Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our New Christmas Baby

Christmas came a few days early this year. We were blessed (at least mostly blessed sometimes I am not so sure) with a new Christmas baby. His name is Cash The Dog In Black after Johnny of course. He is about 6 1 /2 weeks old and adorable but a holy terror when he is awake. We picked him out because we needed a puppy with "balls" if he was going to stand up for himself against Jazzy and Penny our other two dogs and he definitely has them. The girls are totally in love with him and he has definitely brought some laughter to the house. He is the big present that keeps on giving, pooping, peeing and whining. He also snuggles, licks and follows me around the house and the back yard and sleeps on my pillow (awe.....).

We are also waiting to hear back on a house we put an offer in on in Pinon Hills. Hopefully we will get the final answer today as we have been negotiating back and forth for the last week or so. It is a modest house, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, family, dining, small living room with fireplace and needs some help. We shouldn't have to do too much to it just flooring, paint and a GOOD cleaning. Anything that comes up we should be able to handle because after all of the houses we have owned in the past we have already done just about everything. I think the only thing we will have to have done by a professional is the carpet in the bedrooms. Everybody keep their fingers crossed we kind of need this to happen. It would be nice to start off the new year fresh and with hope.

Well here is a picture of Cash, I will try to post some more pictures soon as he keeps growing everyday but here is is a week ago on Todd's desk at work before the girls and I picked him up. If I don't get back before Happy New Year I hope 2010 is everything you need it to be.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


No I am not rejoicing, I am puzzling. I have this semi favorite song that I don't know who the singer is and it drives me crazy. Now I may have stated that wrong since it has been sung by about a million people but I want one particular version. The song is Hallelujah originally by Leonard Cohen. It has been done on American idol by Jason Castro and I liked his version but the version I want is from the movie Shreck. Does anyone know who sang that version? I really want that version of the song because it is so haunting and gives me goose bumps when I hear it. If anyone can help me out here I would appreciate it.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I Have Secured the Meat

Kind of a funny title to start this off with so I will explain. Every year Todd and I have a little holiday get together with our closest friends. We all get together to eat, drink and be merry. Today I bought the meat, a beautiful 11 lb. rib eye roast that I will be cooking tomorrow evening. I'm pretty excited because one thing Todd and I do well is entertain and I love cooking for my friends, it is kind of my way of telling them at Chrsitmas that I love each one of them and am happy they are in my life.
So an early toast to my friends and loved ones both here and there. I love you guys and I wish you could all be here.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Puppies!!!!!!! and a Tree

Boy we have done a lot this this weekend but for some reason I don't really have a lot to say. I have pictures though.. Friday night we didn't do much we made some chili and had hot chili and cornbread yummy. Then we took to finally decorating the tree. Saturday we woke up early and headed up the hill to look at some potential houses and also go see Todd's friend from work puppies. Which brings me to my header puppies! They were soooo cute and the girls were in heaven. The girls had never seen puppies so small before, they are about 4 1/2 weeks now and just the cutest little bunch of squiggles you ever saw. I took pictures of the girls holding them and I have my favorite. The girls want one soooo bad. I said I didn't have the money so Heather wanted to know if I could just write a check.
I have posted some pictures of the girls and the puppies and also our whole family decorating the tree including Penny & Jazzy our doggies.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mt. Baldy Snow

I took this picture of Mt. Baldy with my cell phone this morning after I took the girls to school. This is what I get to look at from my dining room window. Too bad those darn power lines are there.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It is soooooo cold!!!!

I woke up this morning and boy was it cold. It was 31 degrees this morning when I dropped the kids off at school. I actually felt guilty because this is Southern California we don't exactly have fur parkas in our closets. The good part was it wasn't raining today. Yippie!!! I got to go on my walk this morning and although I looked like the kid in the old Malto Meal commercials when I left; I was stripping off my gloves and hood and unzipping the hoodie by the time I got to 18th street. I feel great, I love walking on crisp winter mornings and you should of seen Mt. Baldy. That is one of my favorite things about my walk is the whole way up Euclid I am treated to a beautiful view.

The rain is supposed to come back tomorrow night and it is supposed to warm up into the mid 50's tomorrow so that will be a welcome relief. The worst part of this rain then freezing temps is that it freezes the water in between my doors on my car and then I can't open the sliding side doors to let the kids out at school. I have to let them crawl through the front seat.

Well that is about all I have to say for now except wish me luck for fantasy football. Right now I am in 2nd place in my division and I am headed for the playoffs. So let us keep our fingers crossed that I keep up the good work and take it. I COULD GO ALL THE WAY!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

I Still Miss You

You know it is funny or maybe horrible how the mind works. I can remember everything from that day but I can't remember what day it actually was. Was it Monday or Tuesday? Was it December 4th, 5th or 6th? I don't know and sometimes it makes me want to scream and cry because how could I have forgotten what day it was? It was the worst day of my life, how do you forget? I remember where I was, I was driving on Foothill at the light for Foothill and Mulberry right by Taco Bell. It was about 2:45, I had just picked up Cheyanne from school, dropped her off at the babysitter and gone by Baja Fresh and ordered but did not eat chicken nachos. I remember everything that was said to me that day, everyone who tried to make me feel better, driving home and driving up the hill it was getting late I was hungry because I never ate my lunch. We stopped by burger king on Bear Valley Rd. and I picked at a cheese burger and some fries. I remember all of the phone calls I had to make and how hard they were to make. I remember everything in that house. I remember the way everything looked and what was said. But I can't remember what day it was. I just know that it was sometime around today 3 years ago. The worst day of my life.

I want to apologize now for all of the above because I try to keep this cheerful but I need to say it somewhere because it is that time again. I wrote this poem on December 7th, 2006. I still miss you Bratt and I still love you.

Hard to Love
For Leslie

My sister, my friend

Like black and white we were
I was the cautious one always thinking things through
Afraid sometimes to take the risk of disappointing those we loved.

You were like a bolt of lightning
Beautiful, amazing, dangerous, reckless and sometimes scary as hell

How I hated you and loved you all at the same time
You were hard for me to love

Not hard because you weren’t likable or lovable but hard because loving you meant watching you struggle, feeling your pain
And watching you make choices I didn’t always agree on
And I was sure were not right.

But you did it your way and in taking all of those risks you had a beautiful life. I admired you your spirit, your courage, your fire

You were my first black eye and one of my best friends
You were caring and spiteful
Loving and sometimes hurtful
Truthful and manipulating
But you were you
You were my sister and I miss you and I love you
In all of your ways

Christina J. Fisher
Dec. 11,2006

Can't Think of Anything Clever This Morning.

Well it is raining which is really great except it is throwing a wrench in my exercise routine. Last week my friend Anita and I started walking up and down Euclid every morning 2.2 miles at 2 mph. It has been fun, we just stopped whining going up hill, I have almost got my new shoes broken in and now it is raining and 44 degrees outside.

Christmas is almost here I can't believe it. I am not even sure that I ever fully got to enjoy Thanksgiving and I feel like I just went to a Halloween party and now everyone has their lights up and I just took my bats down. Somehow I need to get decorated, get in the "Christmas Spirit", and shop within the next 3 weeks. Ahhhh!!!!!
Speaking of Christmas we did do something to get us in the mood. We went to the Upland Christmas Parade on the 5th with our friends John and Anita and some of their friends. It was fun and the girls definitely enjoyed it. they even had an elephant in the parade which kind of made me nervous because it was about 3 feet way from my kids in the front row and I watch too much animal planet. I really, really, really didn't want to end up on Your Worst Animal Nightmares but the elephant was cool and just did her thing and the kids thought it was really cool.
Next year we decided (Todd, John, Anita and I) that we will all buy Snuggies and enter into the parade as U.S.A. the Upland Snuggie Association. It doesn't seem that difficult to get into the parade there were quite a few of us going "huh? What or Who is that supposed to be?". It will be fun if we do it, we are even going to get Snuggies for the dogs and kids. I'll keep you posted.
Last but not least the girls got into the adult Halloween costumes last night and I took some pictures. They have been looking for creative ways to entertain themselves since they are grounded from the TV for two weeks. This was pretty creative and a little weird.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Has it been a whole year?

Heather, Aurora, Danny, Noah, Cheyanne & Taffy



Heather & Cheyanne

Todd & Me Halloween Part 09

OK, to my 1 fan out there. I am back and will try to get on this thingy at least once a month. What have I been up to? Not much. We just had school conferences last week and as usual both my girls got an "N" aka "needs improvement" on the controls talking stuff. It must be genetic and I swear they get it from their dad. Heather just got reading glasses and they look so cute on her. I gave the little dog a bath and she smells good again but that will only last another day or so. I am posting some recent pictures of Todd and I and of the girls. They are Halloween pictures again, we do not normally just wear costumes for the fun of it. Well maybe but that's just between Todd and I :).

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I look at my family and there is definitely a lot for me to be thankful for. Love to everyone who reads it.