Delci, Noah, Aurora & Heather

Heather & Moe
Cheyanne & Lucky
Todd (this one is for the ladies) :)
Well it has been awhile, but I try to live by
Thumper's doctrine, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all." I haven't had much nice to say
lately so I have been in hiding. :) October is almost over and I can't believe how fast this year has gone. Heather just turned 6 a couple of weeks ago and she is acting so grown up now. We got her a camera for her birthday and she goes about taking pictures of everyone and everything in the house. Thank God for digital cameras I can't even imagine how much the bill would be for buying film and processing it on an old fashioned camera.
I still haven't found a job yet which is getting pretty
tough. I really miss my old pay checks BUT somehow we are getting by. Every month when I pay the bills I am just happy that we sold our house and were able to payoff some of our stuff before I lost my job otherwise we'd be in a world of hurt right now and Todd would be riding his beach cruiser up the 15 freeway every morning.
Todd spent last nigh tearing apart the old Harley almost completely down to the frame (I helped but only a little). Once we get the last stuff off of there I think we will be stripping the paint and sanding it down ourselves and then we will
probably do the paint ourselves. We've watched
OC Choppers enough I am pretty sure we can do this :). Of course if one of our lottery tickets is a winner we won't be trying our hand at
motorcycle painting.
I am posting a couple of pictures here from Heather's, Noah's, Aurora's &
Delci's birthday party a few weeks ago. It was fun and the kids seemed like they had a blast. Til next time Love ya all.